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Blade Word Cloud


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Blade Information

  • Hacksaw Blade (Digital Image)
    A sharp and shiny saw blade emerges from a bright black and yellow handle. Whether you are a contractor or a do-it-yourselfer who enjoys puttering around the home, a saw is a necessary tool for many construction projects.
  • Band Saw Blade Cutting Wood (Digital Video)
    The saw blade on a band saw cuts through a wooden board.
  • Chop Saw Blade Cutting Steel (Digital Video)
    The circular saw blade on a chop saw cuts through a steel bar.
  • Do-It-Yourself Project thumbnail Do-It-Yourself Project (Photograph)
    Tile saws have integrated water coolants that are used to keep the diamond blade from becoming too hot. Tile saws feature adjustable fences that are used to make angled cuts and square cuts, which allows the tile to fit into customizable spaces.
  • Saw Blades
    Many different types of saw blades are available, including those for circular saws, jigsaws, band saws, hacksaws, coping saws, and other specialized saws.
  • Electronics Manufacturing thumbnail Electronics Manufacturing (Photograph)
    A worker chops a mainboard wafer with an industrial cutting machine at an electronics manufacturing facility. The worker, who is wearing white gloves, places the mainboard wafer carefully under the blade.
  • Ice Skate thumbnail Ice Skate (Illustration)
    Digital image of an ice skate, which is simply a boot with a blade attached to its bottom. Ice skates are used for skating, or gliding, across ice surfaces. These ice skates have sharp blades so they will slide easily.
  • Snow Shovel thumbnail Snow Shovel (Illustration)
    Illustration of a snow shovel, a snow-removal tool that consists of a wide, lightweight blade with narrow edges, affixed to a handle. Snow shovels help to clear snow from driveways and sidewalks.
  • Table Saws
    Table saws feature a circular motorized blade and are ideal for making long straight cuts. Different types of table saws include portable table saws, contractors saws, cabinet saws, and hybrid saws.
  • Pair of Scissors with Black Handles (Digital Image)
    A black-handled pair of scissors balances on one shiny, chrome blade. Considered one of the most necessary objects around the home, scissors cut hair, fabric, and even food.
  • Woman Sawing Wood on a Table Saw (Digital Image)
    A young woman in overalls uses a table saw on a block of wood. Whether you are a tradesperson who uses table saws for work, or a homeowner with many do-it-yourself projects, a table saw is an important shop tool.

Blade Directory Page(s)

  • Saw Blade Page on Jumblex.org
    Visit this saw blade category page on jumblex.org to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.

Blade News

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