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Bouquet Word Cloud


Word Cloud > Bouquet


Bouquet Information

  • Bridesmaids Bouquet thumbnail Bridesmaids Bouquet (Photograph)
    A bridesmaid holds her flower bouquet on her lap while wearing a lavender bridesmaid dress. This bouquet is the perfect complement to the bride's bouquet, using some of the same types and colors of flowers.
  • Bridal Bouquet thumbnail Bridal Bouquet (Photograph)
    White and mauve roses cascade over the bride's arm as she walks down the aisle. Ivy and ferns further emphasize the cascading shape of the bouquet. A sheer white ribbon and bow add a light touch for a summer wedding bouquet.
  • Bride and Bridegroom with Roses Bouquet (Digital Video)
    A bride and a bridegroom hold a wedding bouquet consisting of white roses and lily of the valley.
  • Black Maxi-Dress thumbnail Black Maxi-Dress (Photograph)
    A young blond woman wearing a long black maxi dress is photographed in an urban area. The woman holds a bouquet of bright yellow flowers, which contrast with the concrete wall and weeds pictured in the photograph.
  • White Cross Grave Marker thumbnail White Cross Grave Marker (Photograph)
    A simple white marble cross at the American Cemetery in the French town of Romagne-sous-Montfaucon honors the life of a soldier lost during World War I. The grave is surrounded by a beautiful flower bouquet as well as small American and French flags.
  • Daffodils and Blank Paper (Digital Image)
    A bouquet of yellow daffodils borders a blank piece of paper, inspiration for an advertising agency's next campaign.

Bouquet Directory Page(s)

  • Bouquet Page on Jumblex.org
    Visit this bouquet category page on jumblex.org to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.

Bouquet News

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Word Cloud > Bouquet