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Branches Word Cloud


Word Cloud > Branches


Branches Information

  • Bare Tree Branches thumbnail Bare Tree Branches (Illustration)
    Digital illustration of bare deciduous tree branches. In the Northern Hemisphere, deciduous trees grow new leaves each Spring and lose their leaves each Autumn. Many trees have bare branches during the Winter months.
  • Christmas Tree Ornament thumbnail Christmas Tree Ornament (Illustration)
    Black-and-white image of a Christmas ornament hanging on a tree. Glass balls adorned with white snowflakes sparkle and shine against the evergreen branches.
  • Cuckoo Bird thumbnail Cuckoo Bird (Photograph)
    The cuckoo bird, after which the cuckoo clock is named, is a medium-sized bird with a variety of different markings, such as this grey and white cuckoo bird resting on the branches of a pine tree.
  • Family Tree Concept Drawing thumbnail Family Tree Concept Drawing (Illustration)
    Family trees usually start with the oldest generations at the top of the chart and the newer generations at the bottom. When presented this way, the shape more closely resembles an upside-down tree, with roots at the top and branches at the bottom.
  • Independence Hall in Philadelphia (Digital Video)
    The clock tower on Independence Hall in Philadelphia rotates into view amidst leafy tree branches.
  • Sheer Window Curtains (Digital Video)
    Leaves and branches on the trees outside create random shadows on sheer window curtains.

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