Motion Information
Perpetual Motion Toy (Illustration)
Digital image of a perpetual motion desk toy. These desktop gadgets often serve as conversation pieces and office decor objects.
- Ellipticals
Elliptical machines combine the motion of stair climbers with that of treadmills, and are a popular way to get an aerobic workout indoors. Elliptical trainers provide a low-impact workout.
- Elliptical Benefits
There are many cardiovascular fitness benefits to exercising with elliptical motion. Learn about the benefits associated with low-impact elliptical machines.
Wild Horse (Photograph)
A youthful wild horse cavorts in a lush, green pasture. The playful motion of the horse's tail indicates that it is enjoying the outside lifestyle. As soon as the horse is done playing in the grass, it can enjoy some grazing in the sun.
- Ornate Cuckoo Clock on a White Background (Digital Image)
The pendulum of an ornate cuckoo clock is captured in motion. Whether a cuckoo clock has a traditional, carved wood design or is of more modern design, no one can deny that cuckoo clocks are a fun way to tell time.
- Drilling a Hole into a Wooden Board (Digital Video)
In slow motion, a cordless drill, with a wood drill bit, drills a hole in a wooden board.
- Drilling a Hole into a Concrete Block (Digital Video)
In slow motion, a cordless drill, with a masonry drill bit, drills into a concrete block.
Motion News
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