Postal Information
- Address Abbreviations
The United States Postal Service recognizes two-letter state postal abbreviations when specifying a postal address. Other common postal abbreviations are listed and defined on this chart.
- State Abbreviations Map
This map shows all 50 states of the USA with their 2-letter abbreviations. The states on the North American continent are located correctly with respect to each other.
- State Abbreviations
The names of the 50 USA states are often abbreviated for ease of use. This site features a table of U.S. States, Districts, Territories, and Possessions, with their standard and postal service abbreviations.
Postal Directory Page(s)
- Postal Page on Jumblex.org
Visit this postal category page on jumblex.org to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.
Postal News
Postal Image
Row of Postal Service Trucks
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