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Screen Information

  • Flat Screen Computer Monitor (Digital Image)
    A sleek, thin, computer monitor displays a cloud pattern. Click your monitor's on button, and watch its screen display brighten up.
  • Digital Video Camera thumbnail Digital Video Camera (Photograph)
    When buying a camera, be sure to see how the LCD screen will look in daylight and sunny conditions. Some screens wash out, making it nigh unto impossible to see what is being recorded. Also take a look at exposure controls.
  • LCD Monitors
    While there are several ways to display output from a computer, the most common way is via a color liquid crystal display, or LCD. These displays are also known as flat panel displays or LCD monitors.
  • Search Illustration thumbnail Search Illustration (Illustration)
    Search engines have the ability to locate relevant information on an endless variety of topics, providing one of the most valuable services on the web. This magnifying glass on a computer screen symbolizes the nature of a search engine.
  • History of Cameras
    Photography owes much to camera obscura, a medieval technology in which an outside image was displayed on to an inside wall or screen.
  • Stone Fireplace thumbnail Stone Fireplace (Photograph)
    A close-up photographs depicts a warm, golden fire in a rustic stone fireplace. Screen doors, which are now open, can be closed to contain sparks and embers. Whether fueled by natural gas or by logs, a fireplace makes a room cozy on a cold winter day.
  • Handheld GPS Menu thumbnail Handheld GPS Menu (Photograph)
    A small, handheld GPS shows the menu that allows the user to navigate. With just a few touches on the screen, the GPS menu will allow you to program your destination.
  • GPS Unit thumbnail GPS Unit (Photograph)
    A horizontal, black GPS unit is photographed on a white background. The screen shows coordinates of the user's exact location. Use the GPS to travel to your destination or to determine your exact location.
  • Shavers
    Electric shavers, or razors, have motor-driven blades which oscillate or rotate behind a metal screen for a close shave. Electric razors are safer than manual razors because the blades do not touch the skin surface.
  • Typewriters
    Electronic typewriters of today are much different than the manual typewriters of the past. They may include features such as a small LCD screen displaying text, as well as a spelling checker and page numbering.
  • Video Projectors
    A video projector uses a video signal to project an image onto a screen. Video projectors use CRT, LCD, or DLP technology. Visit this site to learn more about video projectors.
  • Refilling an Inkjet Printer Cartridge (Digital Image)
    A blue and black inkjet cartridge is refilled with bright red ink. Once an inkjet cartridge is clicked into place, you are free to print what you want, in as many colors as you like — yellow, red, blue, green, black.
  • Satellite Phone with Antenna (Digital Image)
    A brown satellite phone with an electric green screen sits atop a map. Thanks to technology, even those who travel to the ends of the earth can count on the satellite phone to connect with friends and loved ones.
  • Ink Cartridges in a Computer Printer (Digital Image)
    A close-up of the interior of a printer shows two ink cartridges. Write a letter, craft a novel or poem, design a graphic, or manipulate a digital photograph on your computer.

Screen Directory Page(s)

  • Silk Screen Page on Chosensites.com
    Visit this silk screen category page on chosensites.com to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.

Screen News

Screen Image

mosquito on a window screen
Mosquito Sitting on a Window Screen

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Word Cloud > Screen