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Study Information

  • Bible Study
    The Bible is comprised of 66 books; 39 in the Old Testament, and 27 in the New Testament. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew and the New Testament was written in Greek.
  • Grace and Truth in the Bible
    The Bible speaks of grace as well as truth. It speaks of God's grace and love, who gave His only begotten Son that sinners might know Him and be with Him eternally.
  • Microbiology Lab thumbnail Microbiology Lab (Photograph)
    Glass doors provide an unobstructed view to a clean and aseptic microbiology lab. The equipment inside the room will be used by physicians, researchers, and scientists to study microbes and bacteria, in an effort to make the world a healthier place.
  • Modern Library thumbnail Modern Library (Photograph)
    A modern library, furnished with wood, metal, and glass, provides the perfect sanctuary for readers. Library tables hold individual white lamps. The silence of the empty library will be replaced by a murmur when patrons arrive to read, study, or work.
  • Meteorologists
    Meteorologists study how the atmosphere affects our environment, and specifically how it relates to weather. Learn about the educational requirements and professional responsibilities of meteorologists.
  • Antarctica
    Antarctica currently hosts an ever-rotating group of scientists who study the unique and pristine environment there.However, Antarctica has no permanent residents and no native population.
  • Female College Student Studying (Digital Image)
    A young college woman sits at the foot of the stairs of an academic building, contemplating what she is reading. As you walk along the campus of a college or university, understand that the possibilities are endless.

Study Directory Page(s)

  • Study Page on Jumblex.org
    Visit this study category page on jumblex.org to find editorially-reviewed resources about this topic.

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Word Cloud > Study