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Switch Word Cloud


Word Cloud > Switch


Switch Information

  • Assembly Line thumbnail Assembly Line (Photograph)
    A photograph shows an industrial assembly line at rest. The shadows of the still and silent machinery appear on the floor in the dimly lit room. Early tomorrow, the switch that engages the assembly line will be hit, and the factory will come to life.
  • Lamp Shade thumbnail Lamp Shade (Photograph)
    An elegant, fringed lamp casts a warm glow, contributing to a comfortable and casual decor. The small, gold lamp is placed on a wooden tabletop, and illuminates the wallpaper behind it. With a flick of the switch, the room will go from light to dark.
  • Grinding Stone thumbnail Grinding Stone (Photograph)
    A black rotary tool with a grinding stone mounted is photographed on a white background. This handy, electric tool can be used to grind, smooth, and sand metal with just the flick of a switch. Design and shape metal pieces using this equipment.
  • Gooseneck Lamp with a Green Lamp Shade (Digital Image)
    This neat little table lamp looks real perky with its green lampshade and its flexible, black neck! Simply plug it into the wall outlet and flip on the switch. Studying or writing with such a table lamp makes it easier to see the task at hand.
  • Track Lighting Fixture with Halogen Bulb (Digital Image)
    A bright chrome track light sits in a lighting track, which is set into a wooden ceiling. Illuminate your world with stylish, modern, track lighting.

Switch News

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