Text Information
ASCII Keyboard (Photograph)
ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII code is a character-encoding language used by computers and other communications devices to recognize text. Most characters and symbols can be displayed using ASCII codes.
Programmer Calculator (Photograph)
ASCII code is a character-encoding computer language used to recognize text. This programmer's calculator is one example of a device that utilizes ASCII code, also known as the American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
- HTML Color Chart
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, and is a language that used to specify the design and layout of Internet web pages.
- Typewriters
Electronic typewriters of today are much different than the manual typewriters of the past. They may include features such as a small LCD screen displaying text, as well as a spelling checker and page numbering.
- Search Engine Robot (Digital Image)
This search engine robot is searching the World Wide Web for all kinds of information.
Text News
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