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User Information

  • Exercise Bike Silhouette thumbnail Exercise Bike Silhouette (Illustration)
    Exercise bicycles include mechanisms that provide the user with resistance necessary for exercise. These resistance mechanisms can be made of magnets, fans, or friction. Some exercise bikes enable the user to pedal backwards as well.
  • Conferencing Methods
    Audio conferencing or teleconferencing allows the user to take part in a meeting from almost any location. Learn about landline and web-based audio conferencing methods.
  • Computer Supplies
    There are many computer supplies and accessories available to upgrade your system and make it more user friendly. Supplies and accessories include monitors, keyboards, printers, more memory, and storage media.
  • HD Camcorder thumbnail HD Camcorder (Photograph)
    Many digital camcorders have articulated LCD screens, which give the user another option for viewing besides the small viewfinder. Many small digital camcorders are commonly referred to as handycams.
  • Domain Name URL thumbnail Domain Name URL (Illustration)
    The domain name system allows names to be assigned to internet resources and users independent of the physical location of the resource or user. This is beneficial because domain names are easier to remember than numeric IP addresses.
  • Stationary Bike thumbnail Stationary Bike (Illustration)
    Many exercise bikes include attached televisions or other decides to provide entertainment to the user while he or she is riding. Many people enjoy using an mp3 player to listen to music while exercising.
  • Folding Tables
    Folding tables come in many varieties and sizes and offer the user a convenient storable surface. Folding tables can be made from wood, steel, aluminum, or plastic.
  • Free Photos
    This site features information about finding free photos on the web, and the difference between various licensing requirements and user restrictions.
  • Handheld GPS
    Global positioning system (GPS) units pick up signals from GPS satellites to calculate the latitude and longitude of the user. Hand-held units are convenient for cyclists, hikers, mountain climbers, and hunters.
  • Handheld GPS Menu thumbnail Handheld GPS Menu (Photograph)
    A small, handheld GPS shows the menu that allows the user to navigate. With just a few touches on the screen, the GPS menu will allow you to program your destination.
  • Heart Rate Monitors
    A heart rate monitor is an electronic device worn to monitor the heart rate of the user while exercising, and is a useful accessory to a healthy lifestyle.
  • Publishing
    User-generated content is any content that is authored by a website user. Most social media sites contain some user-generated content, but social media sites that allow users to create entire pages of content are called user-generated content sites.
  • Treadmill Ratings
    A treadmill allows the user to get an efficient cardiovascular workout by walking or jogging on a rotating track. It is very useful for walkers or joggers who cannot get an outdoor workout due to inclement weather.
  • Computer Security Word Cloud (Digital Image)
    A silhouette of a black hand on a blue background exhibits various words associated with computer and network security.
  • Photo Printer Controls (Digital Image)
    A close-up of a photo printer shows colorful buttons that allow the user to choose the photo, select the photo size, and print the photo. Forget about dropping off rolls of film and waiting days, or even weeks, to get your images back.
  • Connecting an Air Hose to a Compressor (Digital Video)
    An air tool user connects an air hose to an air compressor fitting, ensuring a tight connection.

User News

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