Walking Information
- Family Walking Along a Pebbly Beach (Digital Video)
A family, comprising a father, a mother, and a young child, walk together on a pebbly beach.
- Woman Walking and Jogging on a Treadmill (Digital Video)
A woman, attired in white shorts and a t-shirt, walks and jogs on a treadmill.
Elliptical Trainer (Photograph)
An elliptical trainer (also called a cross-trainer) is a stationary machine used to simulate the exercise benefits of climbing stairs, walking, and running. The stationary nature of the machine causes less pressure on joints.
Paver Patio (Photograph)
A close-up photograph of an unfinished patio shows pavers that have yet to be laid. As the workers lay the pavers, the patio will grow in size. What was once a natural area will become a manicured space that will provide a smooth walking surface.
- Treadmill Ratings
A treadmill allows the user to get an efficient cardiovascular workout by walking or jogging on a rotating track. It is very useful for walkers or joggers who cannot get an outdoor workout due to inclement weather.
- Young Inline Skater with Helmet and Pads (Digital Image)
A young boy wears a helmet and full pads as he takes a stride forward in his inline skates. Lacing up a pair of inline skates gives you a sense of freedom and speed that other activities don't.
Walking News
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